Weekly Chests – Explained (A new event for BH Network community)

News & Education | September 7, 2023

After a marathon of 56 consecutive weeks of weekly lotteries, we have decided to upgrade the interactions between you and BHero Launchpad, taking it to the next level. In this blog post, we will explain the infrastructure and what you need to know in order to participate in Weekly Chests. This way, active community members can receive an extra weekly reward and benefit.


The Idea

We have developed a brand new weekly event for all BHeroes, involving the locking of BHAT tokens and holding BH Agents NFTs. This new event not only strengthens the bond between the locked BHAT tokens and the NFTs but it also introduces a fresh use case for both. If you’re wondering how you can take advantage of them, it’s straightforward:

  • BH Agents’ NFTs are the keys to the chest.
  • BHero Points are the locks of the chest.
  • In order to open 1 chest, you need 1 BH Agent NFT (any) and 1 BHero Point.


  • If you have 5 BH Agents and 5 Points, you can open 5 chests every week.
  • If you have 2 BH Agents and 5 Points, you can open only 2 chests every week.
  • With 10 BH Agents and 2 Points, you can open only 2 chests every week.


Keys and Locks are distributed based on weekly snapshots, and they are lost if they are not use within the allocated time. The snapshots occur randomly on any day of the week and they check the locking points of the holders and the number of BH Agents in their wallets. Please note that you must have the BH Agents available (nor listed on marketplaces neither staked in any smart contract) and the BHero Points valid (their locking periods have to be still active) in the same MultiversX wallet. The snapshot will not be announced, but the 24-hours window for opening the chests will be announced with the prizes during the week. We will make this announcement on our social channels, including Telegram and Discord Channel.


Each week, prizes will be added to a dedicated MultiversX wallet that will automatically distribute them to winners in a decentralized, transparent, and random manner. The prizes will vary each week and may include BHAT, ESDT Tokens, EGLD, WUSDC, or NFTs from the entire MultiversX ecosystem.

In case not all the prizes are won in a given week, they will be automatically added to the next one. If all the chests are open in a specific week, then all the prizes will be won 100%.

We’re sending automatically the prizes – there is no eGLD gas fee you need to spend in order to claim the prizes or reveal/open the chests.

You can view the prizes at https://mvx.bhero.com/chests.

@2024 BHero